This is a novice like attempt by me to make my otherwise protected,insular private life make available for gross public consumption.Not that chicks are head over heels wanting to explore me err my private life,its just that my recent travel was an exciting one in ways different from my feverish yet paradigm changing(in more ways than one) travel experience to the villages across the country during May -July.

The first pic says Ranthambore National Park-supposedly one of the few Tiger reserves in the country.4 of us went there in a Gypsy-this vehicle type somehow inducing a sense of Machoism inside my pals .The best part about a jungle safari is the thought of the tiger having had traversed the same path that you are gracing today in the damn wrecked gypsy.To my pals' amusement,I would shriek at anything and everything non human and then as if routinely, get on with clicking those beings.Let me take you through my debut Indian expedition minus the hunting effect.

This is the place that greeted us as soon as we landed at the park.Having been told by our all aggreable mad driver that a '
Kill' awaited us at that spot,we were left to think deep into our hindi and local dialect vocabulary storehouse as to what he meant by the now popular word(atleast amongst us 4) 'Kill'.20 minutes of pondering and mutual discussions led us to rightly believe that it was a 'Shikar' and he had been meaning to speak the British language.To our delight which later would get transformed into dismay,we found a 'Sambar' which had left its bodily remains in pieces while its 'Atman' did heavenly rounds(considering it is gentle animal).

After a 2 hour wait that ended in exasperation,we decided to move on from our spot- the- tiger obsession.After all,there were cows to be pursued,owls to be spotted and monkeys to be scoffed at.We felt cheated by the King of the jungle-as the driver had falsely quipped several times during our journey.
In the interim period,I did not fail to put to display my self professorial claim of being a nature photographer.To the chagrin of my pals,I emulated my ideal self concept and put to demo my photo related histrionics.

A sample of one of the numerous ones that would adorn my album.

This is a Wild Boar.Its another matter altogether that it very nearly resembled our very own filthy pig with the only POD being its finicalness for cleanliness.A very-in hair cut adorned its entire bodily region between the forehead and non existent tail.Looked cute.
The oldest Reindeer to stand on its feet.More than its age,its horrible hair care regime makes it a pertinent case for pre-hair care shampoo promo.It was a loner as its stench forced our Gypsy to be a safe smelly distance from it,leave alone its familial ties.

The one perched on this hand was proclaimed to be the Bird Kingfisher.I refute this-it definitely looks smarter on that Kingfisher beer bottle and so do the Air hostesses who adorn the airplane by the same name.It is the single most important brand element in the form of a logo,owned by V Mallya and is the same bird which lays claims on endless brand extensions all of which a certain Vijay Mallya claims to own.
Heeding to requests from friends to keep my blog short and complying to those,my only request to the jungle authorities would be :Pls get some tigers in the jungle next time around ya and youngsters like us would be the first ones to get into the buzz generating bandwagon of 'Save the tiger' campaign.Our only resort otherwise lies in NGC and Animal planet where both the 'kill' and the beast rule the screen.
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